Page 11 - Singledebt
P. 11

Personal Debt Programme – (PDP) case study 1 from Pune.
       (Stopped harassment, put forward a defence to stop an order by
       the arbitrator to remove his movable goods) – Trevor M. (Due to
       confidentiality, we have not provided their photos, name or the
       name of their business.)

         A 32 years old single male from Pune living with his parents,
         was  struggling  to  pay  his  EMIs  and  got  himself  into  a  debt
         trap  due  to  looking  after  his  ill  parents  and  their  medical

         His  income  is  only  ₹56,000  per  month  and  due  to  maxing
         out six credit cards and paying four personal loans EMI, his

         monthly  payments  to  his  creditors  rocked  to  ₹74,896  per
         month and had to borrow money from family and friends to
         pay  his  EMIs.  Eventually  he  started  to  miss  his  EMI  and
         thereafter the harassment started from the creditors.

         The type of harassment was 30 to 40 telephone calls a day,
         visits to his parent home while he was at work and verbally
         abusing and causing a ruckus in the house of the client and
         threatening  the  client’s  ill  parents  (age  60  years  and  64
         years) and screaming and banging on the door of the house.

         He  had  approached  us  for  help  with  his  debts  and
         harassment,  then  after  the  initial  debt  counselling  it  was
         discovered that he had no saving and that his only source of

         income  was  from  his  employment.  In  this  case  the  only
         suitable  product  that  would  assist  him  in  his  situation  was

         After enrolling onto our PDP it took our panel of Advocates
         eight  weeks  to  legally  stop  the  creditors  harassment.  We
         had also provided legal service in dealing with legal Notices
         from  the  creditors  and  put  forward  a  defence  to  stop  a
         Order  from  the  Arbitrator  to  remove  our  client’s  movable
         He is currently paying us ₹20,000 per month, which we are
         paying to all his ten creditors on a pro-rata basis, and all his
         creditors  are  accepting  payments  as  per  his  PDP  payment
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